Module 1.1 – Elements of information security

Information security revolves around safeguarding information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, destruction, or disruption. It is commonly structured around three key elements, known as the CIA Triad:

1. Confidentiality

  • Ensures that information is accessible only to authorized individuals or systems.
  • Protects sensitive information from unauthorized access, breaches, or disclosures.
  • Common measures include encryption, access controls, and authentication mechanisms.
    • Real-world Example:
      • Medical Records: Patient health information is highly confidential. Access is restricted to authorized healthcare professionals and the patient themselves.
      • Financial Transactions: Online banking systems encrypt sensitive financial data to prevent unauthorized access.
      • Government Secrets: Classified government documents are protected through strict access controls and encryption to prevent leaks.

2. Integrity

  • Ensures the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of data throughout its lifecycle.
  • Protects data from unauthorized modification, corruption, or tampering.
  • Common techniques include hashing, checksums, and version control systems.

Real-world Example:

  • Financial Records: Accurate financial records are essential for businesses. Accounting software often includes features to prevent accidental or malicious modification of data.
  • Software Updates: Software updates are digitally signed to verify their integrity and ensure they haven’t been tampered with.
  • Election Systems: Secure voting systems must maintain the integrity of votes to prevent manipulation or fraud.

3. Availability

  • Ensures that information and systems are accessible when needed by authorized users.
  • Minimizes downtime and disruptions caused by cyberattacks, system failures, or disasters.
  • Implemented through redundancy, disaster recovery plans, and robust infrastructure.

Real-world Example:

  • E-commerce Websites: Online stores must be available to customers 24/7 to facilitate purchases.
  • Emergency Services: Emergency services like 911 must be accessible at all times to respond to critical situations.
  • Critical Infrastructure: Power grids, water treatment plants, and other critical infrastructure must be highly available to prevent disruptions.

Supporting Elements of Information Security:

While the CIA triad forms the foundation, there are additional supporting principles:

  1. Authentication
    • Verifying the identity of users, devices, or systems to prevent impersonation.
      • Online Banking: Users are required to provide a username, password, and often a one-time code from an authentication app to access their accounts.
      • Biometric Access Control: Fingerprint or facial recognition systems are used to verify the identity of individuals accessing secure areas.
  2. Authorization
    • Granting access rights to users based on their roles and responsibilities.
      • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Employees are granted specific permissions based on their job roles. For instance, a system administrator may have full access, while a regular user may only have read-only privileges.
      • Least Privilege Principle: Users are granted only the minimum level of access necessary to perform their tasks. This reduces the potential damage if an account is compromised.
  3. Non-repudiation
    • Ensuring that parties involved in communication or transactions cannot deny their involvement.
    • Achieved through digital signatures and audit logs.
      • Digital Signatures: Digital signatures are used to verify the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents. This ensures that the sender cannot deny sending the message.
      • Timestamping: Timestamping records the time and date of a document or transaction. This helps to prevent disputes about the timing of events.
  4. Accountability
    • Tracking actions and changes through logging and monitoring to identify responsible entities.
      • Audit Logs: System logs track user activities, including login attempts, file access, and system changes. These logs can be used to investigate security incidents and identify responsible parties.
      • Access Control Lists (ACLs): ACLs record who has accessed specific resources and when. This information can be used to determine if unauthorized access has occurred.
  5. Risk Management
    • Identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks to protect information and systems.
  6. Physical Security
    • Protecting physical assets, such as servers and devices, from theft, damage, or unauthorized access.
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